Monday, October 24, 2011

Back to Plan A

Sorry to be such a pain but I think I'm going to get the own-my-own-blog plan working. So you charming little handful of early adopters will need to resubscribe to a new blog. Sorry!!!

Check it out at

Monday, October 17, 2011

Starting a blog...

Well it has turned out to be more challenging than I thought. I wanted to have an embedded blog on our website (check it out! and I wanted my posts to the blog to automatically post on Facebook (via or not via Twitter, whatever). And I know this is doable from what I've read about Wordpress, which I have access to but haven't quite internalized, on the website.

Anyway, we're leaving for Panama in 13 days and my friends are clamoring for information on how they are going to keep up with our progress -- SO I'm resorting to the easier route of a published blog with all these features built in. I feel certain my kids (and grandkids if I had any) could have figured this out long ago, but for me it will have to be during the next stint home.

Look here for the latest on our last minute preparations! Will we repair the leak in the watermaker? Can we grow bean sprouts and make fresh yogurt offshore? Will all the food and spare parts actually fit onto the boat without sinking it? What are the 10 additional items that will materialize on our to-do lists?

Stay tuned for these and even more riveting updates.